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Mark, Tarrytown, New York

I had been a smoker for 19 years and quit on my own for about six years. During that time, though, I was always thinking about a cigarette. On September 11, watching the Towers fall, I lit up and couldn’t stop from that point. I saw Stephen and it was totally miraculous. I was ready for a struggle, but it never came. Stephen’s treatment made it so much easier than I ever thought possible. Thank you!

Ayelin, Los Angeles, California

Successful since 2008: I’m doing excellent. I can’t stand the smell of cigarettes. I don’t ever want to go back. 

Ofra, Los Angeles, California

After two weeks, my husband and I are feeling so well from the sugar and gluten treatment that we are now sending you our two daughters. We want them to feel as good as we do. I feel great energy. I feel like a new person. I’m losing weight and just have a much better feeling!

Ed D., Croton-on-Hudson, New York

I have just celebrated 10 years since I decided to quit smoking employing the assistance of Steve’s unique healing sessions and that now, smoking is barely a memory. Before my visit to Steve’s holistic healing center, I tried many times to quit and tried most of the conventional treatments available. Steve’s methodology and approach is not only highly effective but Steve also coaches you not only through the physical challenges but through the not often mentioned energy worlds and psychological influences that surround any addiction or long repeated habit. I highly recommend this treatment for anyone that has decided to make a change in their life and needs some safe and knowledgeable coaching with some not so easy challenges.

Philip, Mamaroneck, New York

I started smoking at 16, and stopped at the age of 24, thanks to Stephen’s help. I smoked the normal 1-2 packs a day, after a beer and meal – a normal smoker. I was referred to Steve by a friend, and after the first informative session, I believed in the procedure, which is totally pain free and very relaxing, and was very interested in the spiritual subject matter. The feeling after the process was a balancing, energizing, and detoxifying of your aura, and is completely real, and works amazingly. My cravings stopped, and I became extremely healthier and was actually able to smell things I never smelled before. My senses, body, and health were changed dramatically, thanks to Steve Quinn.

Dustin J., Orange County, California

I was a pretty light smoker – about 5 a day – and trying to live clean I realized at a certain point cigarettes had to go. I set up a treatment with Steve and was really blown away. It’s a very powerful healing. Not only did I quit smoking, but decided to stop drinking, too, even though that wasn’t a problem for me. It felt like a total detox on all levels and helped me spiritually as well as physically.

Josh, Brooklyn, New York

This treatment really helped me to become smoke-free. I left with a completely different feeling – almost as if I had never smoked before. Smoking just seemed foreign to me.

Rachel B., Los Angeles, California

I send everybody to Steve! I lost 25 pounds. I feel great! I look great! Everybody asks me what I did and I’m happy to say I had the treatment from Steve. I don’t even want bread anymore – pizza, sugar – nothing. It works. I can tell you it works.

Leslie D., Putnam County, New York

Stephen, thank you so much for helping me finally quit smoking! I was a smoker for 45 long years, but no more. It’s been now over 14 years since I went to you for the treatment and I haven’t touched or even wanted to touch a cigarette since. Everybody should go to see you. It’s so worth it. Thanks a million!

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